Automatic Whatsapp Messages To Customers (When & Examples)

Automatic Whatsapp Messages To Customers

Welcome to this article, where we delve into the significance of Automatic WhatsApp Messages To Customers for businesses. Discover why these messages matter, explore the diverse message types you can automate, and gather invaluable insights for optimizing your customer communication strategy.

Table of Contents

Why Use Automated WhatsApp Messages? Do You Need Them?

If your target audience prefers communicating through instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, the answer is Yes.

If you often receive common questions or requests, the answer is Yes.

If you aim to provide personalized recommendations, offers, and updates to your customers, the answer is Yes.

Automated WhatsApp messages have significant value in modern customer interactions. They save time, improve efficiency, and enhance customer loyalty.

(1) Automated WhatsApp messages save time and boost efficiency.

By utilizing pre-set replies and automation flows, professionals can swiftly handle a large volume of information and requests without expending excessive time and energy. For instance, as a salesperson, you can leverage automated WhatsApp messages to send welcome messages and product introductions, catering to the needs of potential customers. This allows you to establish contact quickly and save valuable time during the sales process.

(2) Automated WhatsApp messages contribute to enhancing customer loyalty.

By sending personalized recommendations, promotional offers, and regular updates, professionals can create unique experiences for customers and build strong relationships. For example, as a customer service representative, you can set up automatic replies to address common queries and provide basic support. This enables customers to receive timely assistance, fostering a sense of care and professionalism that strengthens their loyalty to the brand.

(3) Practical examples can support professionals in different roles when utilizing automated WhatsApp messages.

Salespeople can employ automated messages to send personalized promotional content and guide potential customers towards making purchases. Customer service representatives can use automated replies to handle common inquiries and provide basic support. Marketers can leverage automated message flows to interact with customers and send customized recommendations and promotional offers.

When Should You Send Automated Messages To Customers on WhatsApp?

Automatic WhatsApp messages can be sent at various stages of the customer journey, depending on your business needs and customer preferences. Here are some key moments:

  1. First Contact: A welcome message when a customer first reaches out.
  2. Absence Notification: Notify customers if you're away or unavailable.
  3. Follow-ups: Messages to track progress or updates.
  4. Service Updates: Reminders about service status or product delivery.
  5. Common Queries: Instant responses to frequently asked questions.
  6. Appointment Reminders: Alerts for important dates like payment deadlines.
  7. Promotions: Share latest offers or special events.
  8. Purchase Completion: Thank you messages after purchases or contract closures.
  9. End of Contact: Farewell messages when ending contact with a customer.
  10. Satisfaction Surveys: Collect feedback from customers.

In general, auto-messages should enhance customer experience and increase efficiency. However, remember to strike a balance to avoid overloading customers with messages.

What Types of Automated Messages Can You Send on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp Business:

WhatsApp offers two types of accounts: personal accounts and business accounts. For business accounts, WhatsApp Business App provides three types of automated message functionalities:

  • Greeting Messages: Welcoming Customers
  • Away Messages: Notifying When Unreachable
  • Quick Reply Messages: Answering FAQs

However, like other apps, these built-in free features have limitations. To overcome these limitations and simplify your message management process, I recommend using the combination of WhatsApp Web and an automated message sender.

WhatsApp Web:

WhatsApp Web is a versatile messaging platform that can be used by both iPhone and Android users to send and receive automated messages. Paired with an Automatic WhatsApp Message Sender (like WAPlus), it can handle a variety of scenarios such as providing automated customer support, nurturing potential customers, and running multi-step marketing campaigns.

  • Automatic Replies: This feature lets you set up predefined responses that get sent automatically when a customer contacts you. These could be responses to frequently asked questions, information about your products or services, or immediate support responses. This ensures your customers receive a response promptly, even when your team isn't immediately available.
  • Scheduled Messages: With this feature, you can schedule messages to be sent automatically at specific times or under certain conditions. This is especially useful for time-sensitive promotions, reminders, or follow-ups. By scheduling messages in advance, you ensure your communications reach your customers at the most effective times, thereby boosting engagement and potential conversions.

Template: 40 Automatic WhatsApp Messages to Customers

Best Practices for Sending Automated Messages to Customers on WhatsApp

When deploying automated messages to customers on WhatsApp, it's crucial to abide by certain guidelines to ensure a positive customer experience:


  1. Choose Neutral Phrases: Since you cannot determine the recipient's gender via WhatsApp, always opt for gender-neutral language.
  2. Maintain Good Intentions: Be upfront about what they can gain from your company, keeping your messages transparent and beneficial.
  3. Establish Connection: Constantly pay attention to customer feedback. Their responses can provide valuable insights to improve your services.
  4. Confirm Understanding: Regularly confirm with the customer to ensure that you've understood their needs correctly. Misunderstandings can lead to dissatisfaction.
  5. Always Be Cordial: Find ways to express the importance of the customer to your company. This fosters a positive relationship and encourages loyalty.
  6. Provide Answer Options: Offer possible answers to guide customers to the right information or location by just typing an option number. This simplifies the interaction and saves time.
  7. Specify Response Time: Clearly communicate what actions will be taken (if any) and how long it will take. Keeping customers informed helps manage expectations.


  1. Leave Customers in the Dark: Do not let your customers wait for a solution without knowing the efforts you're making to resolve their issues.
  2. Misuse Emojis or GIFs: Be mindful of using emojis or GIFs. While they can add fun to the conversation, they may not be appropriate in certain contexts, like during high-stress situations.
  3. Ask Multiple Questions at Once: Avoid asking many questions all at once. Wait for the customer's response to each question as some queries might get lost otherwise.
  4. Send Messages Without Consent: Never send messages without the recipient's consent. Respect for privacy is fundamental.
  5. Blame the Customer: Never immediately blame the customer, regardless of the issue. Showing empathy and understanding can turn a negative situation into a positive one.

Sample Automated Messages for Engaging Customers on WhatsApp

Initial Greeting:

  • Hello! Welcome to [Your Company Name]! My name is [Your Name]. How can I assist you today?
  • Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us at [Your Company Name]! We're excited to serve you. To begin our service, could you please tell us your name?
  • Welcome to [Your Company Name]! How can we provide assistance to you today?
  • Welcome to [Your Company Name]! What can I do for you today?
  • Welcome to [Your Region + Company Name]! How may I assist you? Please tell me what happened and what you need.
  • Hey, how are you? My name is [Your Name], and I'll be assisting you today. Let me know how I can help you!
  • Hey, how are you? My name is [Your Name], and I'm at your service. Firstly, I would like to better understand the reason for your contact so that I can assist you!
  • Hey, this is [Your Name]. Tell me everything, don't withhold anything from me. Whatever you need, I'm here to help!

Establishing Connection:

  • Great choice. I particularly like the product you've chosen!
  • I love your name, honestly!
  • How's the weather outside? Over here, we're all under air conditioning!
  • You're not alone, such doubts are common here!
  • Do you have any questions or need help? I can send you a video to show how to use our product.

Confirming Customer Issue:

  • We understand that you're experiencing [issue]. Could you please provide more details so we can assist you better?
  • Okay, I understand what occurred. Hold on, I'll look for a solution for you.
  • Understood. So, do you believe that [the issue] happened because of [quote reason]?
  • Alright, I'll review with you what you've told me, so I can be sure that I've understood well, okay?
  • [Customer Name], if I understand what you've explained to me, please confirm. [Reiterate the issue as you understood it.]
  • [Customer Name], I'd like to understand better. I'm going to ask you a few brief questions so I don't make mistakes in your service, okay?

Service Wait Time Notification:

  • Thank you for providing the details. We're working on your request and will get back to you within [time frame]. We appreciate your patience.
  • I'm sorry this happened to you! But don't worry, because we can solve it now. Can you wait for [x minutes]?
  • I understand your issue and from now on, it's mine too. I will discuss with the team how to resolve it. I'll contact you to let you know how we're progressing, okay?
  • I'm addressing your issue, please wait for [x minutes].
  • I've verified that I will be able to resolve this issue within [x minutes]. In the meantime, how about checking out [page, content, promotion, etc.]?

Collecting Customer Feedback:

  • We value your opinion. Could you please take a moment to share your feedback about our service?
  • Hello, [Customer Name]. Did your product arrive correctly? How do you feel about it?
  • Hello, [Customer Name]. I'm interested to know if you're satisfied with our service. Do you have a minute to tell me about your experience? If you're willing, you can send audio.

Thanking Customer for Suggestions:

  • Thank you for your valuable suggestion. We appreciate your input and will definitely consider it for improving our services.
  • Thank you very much for showing [Your Company Name] to others! Count on us anytime!
  • Oh, it's great to know that you're enjoying our service! Thank you so much for your feedback!

Pacifying Angry Customers:

  • I am deeply sorry about this. Could you elaborate on what happened?
  • I extend my sincere apologies to you. Please tell me all about what happened, so I can work towards solving your problem as soon as possible.
  • I'm truly sorry that this has happened, and I apologize. I want to understand how I can assist you. Could you describe what exactly happened?

Saying Goodbye:

  • [Customer Name], is there anything else I can assist you with?
  • [Customer Name], thank you for reaching out. If you require anything else, please feel free to contact us again. We're always here and happy to help!
  • [Customer Name], it was a pleasure talking with you. If there's anything else I can assist you with, I'm just here!
  • I hope I've managed to put a smile on your face. If there's anything else I can do for you, please let me know!

Absence Notification:

  • Hello, we are currently offline. Our team operates from Monday to Friday, from [start time] to [end time]! We value your time and will get back to you as soon as we're back online.
  • Hello! Thank you for reaching out. Currently, our service team is unavailable due to [reason for absence]. Please leave your message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Hello! Unfortunately, we aren't available to chat right now. Our service hours are Monday to Friday, from [start time] to [end time]. In the meantime, feel free to check out the promotions on our website!
  • At the moment, all our service staff are unavailable. However, if you're looking for a discount, here's a coupon for you: [coupon code]. We look forward to speaking with you soon!


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FAQs: Answering Your Questions About WhatsApp Automation

Can I automate the sending of WhatsApp messages?

Yes, you can automate the sending of WhatsApp messages using tools such as WAPlus or using the built-in features of WhatsApp Business like automated responses.

How can I automate WhatsApp for free?

You can automate WhatsApp for free using the WhatsApp Business app. It comes with features like automated responses and away messages. However, for advanced automation features, you might need to use WhatsApp Message Sender- WAplus.

Why am I unable to send automated messages on WhatsApp?

If you're unable to send automated messages on WhatsApp, it could be due to a few reasons such as not having a WhatsApp Business account, not setting up the automated responses correctly, or it might be a technical issue with your device or the app.

How do I set up automation to send WhatsApp messages?

To set up automation, you can use the WhatsApp Business app's built-in features or a tool like WAplus. You can set up automatic replies, schedule messages, and more.

How do I automate WhatsApp messages on iPhone?

On an iPhone, you can automate messages using the WhatsApp Business app. For more advanced automation, you may need to use WAPlus Extension.

How do I automate WhatsApp messages on Android?

Similar to iPhone, on Android, you can use the WhatsApp Business app for basic automation features. For more intricate automation, consider using WhatsApp Web and WAPlus Extension.

How to send a programmed message on WhatsApp?

To send a programmed message on WhatsApp, you can set a schedule using the scheduled messaging feature in WAPlus. Simply set the time, date, and content of the message, and the app will automatically send it at the specified time.


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